
To start to read the global book: Brazil

If I follow the St. Augustine’s quote, I must to say that I only read the middle of the index. Yes, I know is really sad, but when I found a job, I promise to save some money and discover the world. However I have a big trouble, I have a phobia about flying, so first to start my plan, I have to resolve this problem.   

So, when I will have the opportunity, I hope that my first destiny to visit will be Brazil. I don´t know exactly, but I think that in one of my <<Past Lives>> I was Brazilian. I always saw it in photography or in the soap operas of the afternoon.  I want to know their amazing scenery, their relaxing beaches, and their beautiful people.

I heard that some cities, like Río are <<a little>> dangerous for tourist, but me neither, I need Brazil. I don´t know anyone there, and I’m planning study in some university, something related Public Policy or Public Management.  I want feel the sensation of finish the class and run to the beach, here in Santiago that never will happen. 

Finally, my check list of things to do in Brazil is:
 1. Visit the Corcovado and other great places for take photos and buy souvenirs to my family and friends
 2.  Find the appropriate University to study.
 3.  Dance in the Carnival and practice my steps of Samba!
 4.  Visit a Favela and know their reality.
 5.  Find Reynaldo Gianecchini, my platonic love and favorite Brazilian actor, and get a picture with him (I think that will be hardest).
 6.  etc., Brazil is a Book!!!


Comedies against Drama

I love movies, but not any kind of them; I prefer the dramas and comedies.

I get the movies on the street (jo, jo it’s a joke). Sometimes if the movie is great and deserve been watched at the cinema, I go to the cinema. If it isn’t, I watch in internet or TV (years later).

Anyway, in the last weeks, I don’t watched any great movie, I haven’t time but I hope watch a very good film in the summer.

One of my favorite films is “Chicken Little” of Pixar Studios. I know is a story for kids of 1 to 5 years old, but is a very funny and optimistic film. This movie it´s about a chicken, victim of bulling in his school, and teach us how overcome the problems, the prejudice and make something good for friends and people.

Other kind of films that I like is drama, like Italian Neorealism, with directors like Fellini, Passolini, Visconti, De Sica, and others. These kinds of movie are old and very sad. When you think that nothing bad can happen, appear a worst situation. it’s always about the problems of people in difficult situation post second world war in Europe, especially after Mussolini’s regime. I discovered this genre of film in a subject of general formation at University, about the schools of films.

If you want to cry for troubles that aren’t yours, I recommend films of Italian Neorealism. If you want smile a lot and has an optimistic view of the life, I recommnend any movie of Pixar Studios

The Term in Summer!!

This is a strange term, in the School of government we started at the end of November. The first thing complicated was return to awake early morming, I think also today is difficult.

I have only two subjects this term (apart of english IV, of course!!). One of them is a Seminar about the Centre of Government and evaluation of Public Policy. Personaly I hate it, because it´s about how you can work with the authorities of the government, like a personal advisor, and I am  more interested in the Public Policies. 

The other subject is about the "History of Social Policy" and the globalization of this phenomen by the World Bank or the Inter-American Development Bank, It´s very interesting and a tool for Public Managers.

My current term could sounds easy, but my classes are all together only on Tuesday!!! starting at 8.30AM to 17.45PM, it´s a lot of class in only one day. Moreover I´m collaborating in SENAME, National Services of Child, wednesday to friday until the end of January.

This is my last term of Class in the University of Chile, because the next year I start my profesional practice in some organization in the Government.

It´s a very busy summer!! I miss the real summer!!