
Comedies against Drama

I love movies, but not any kind of them; I prefer the dramas and comedies.

I get the movies on the street (jo, jo it’s a joke). Sometimes if the movie is great and deserve been watched at the cinema, I go to the cinema. If it isn’t, I watch in internet or TV (years later).

Anyway, in the last weeks, I don’t watched any great movie, I haven’t time but I hope watch a very good film in the summer.

One of my favorite films is “Chicken Little” of Pixar Studios. I know is a story for kids of 1 to 5 years old, but is a very funny and optimistic film. This movie it´s about a chicken, victim of bulling in his school, and teach us how overcome the problems, the prejudice and make something good for friends and people.

Other kind of films that I like is drama, like Italian Neorealism, with directors like Fellini, Passolini, Visconti, De Sica, and others. These kinds of movie are old and very sad. When you think that nothing bad can happen, appear a worst situation. it’s always about the problems of people in difficult situation post second world war in Europe, especially after Mussolini’s regime. I discovered this genre of film in a subject of general formation at University, about the schools of films.

If you want to cry for troubles that aren’t yours, I recommend films of Italian Neorealism. If you want smile a lot and has an optimistic view of the life, I recommnend any movie of Pixar Studios

1 comment:

  1. Dear Constanza,

    I love the pixar's movies, but just one I don't watch. I like to watch it in TV, I told me that the chicken saw an aliens but anybody believed in him. He believed that the sky fell down.

    Italian's films are great, on cable TV "Europe, europe" every week shows a italian films and I've seen a neorealism italian film, but can't remember.

    see you!
