
Inap: such real like you!

                                                My Dear Matte Palace

When I received the results of PSU, I was very confused about my future. Finally I decided study Public Management at University of Chile, because I was more interested in follow political studies.  So, advancing with the subjects I realized that Public Management it´s more necessary, and the Public Managers could be a deciding factor in Chile.
I entered to INAP in 2007, and in that time the School of Government was in the Matte Palace, I really loved it! It was a mystic and a beautiful place. I think that old places have a history and a soul. The oldest mates said in the next year we´ll move to a better place. All in my generation believed that myth, and me neither because I loved the oldest Matte Palace. Unfortunately, the past earthquake finished with my Matte Palace, and we moved to other building (believed or not) in other University!! (Los Lagos University). 

To make a short story, today we are studying in the building of Agustinas with Brasil. To me it´s like a meringue because the colour in the walls.  We don´t have enough classrooms, I hate the computers in the lab, because when I needed one a mate is chating in facebook, or the pc always leave a virus in my pendrive. One of the most important rule is always arrive late to class ;), I think that is like a trademark of the students and teachers there. I don´t want to say anything about the drawbacks, because I´ll never finish. 

Following with the good points, it´s a small place, so it´s difficult don´t know any juicy gossip. We have a “Jaimito”, a mythic member of the administrative stuff, he´s the most friendly; a lot of mates want him like our director of the INAP. Definitely, I have to say about INAP “the house is small, but the heart is huge”.

Nowadays, In my last year of study, I think that I miss the stress, and the life like a student. I really hope a better future for INAP.


I really want to be an Eco-Hero!!!

For the humanity, the environment always must be the most important thing. I know that the development without scruples (in the century XX until our days) was like a cancer for the earth. However, the people has realized about this serious situation. International organization like Unites Nations is making some decision in topics like Climate Change, Ecosystems Management or Resource Efficiency.  
Meanwhile, I’m trying to be an Eco–Hero incorporating recycling in my habits. For example, when I brush my tooth I never leave open the tap water while I´m brushing. In the mornings, I try to take a shower by 3 minutes, or simply I don´t take a shower in weeks (is a joke). Another thing is change the light bulb for the ecological light bulb (are economics and friendly with the environment). In the University we read a lot!!! And also we printed a lot, using thousands of paper, and with this we finish with the beauty of the Amazonas. In that case, I try to print 2 pages in one side of the paper, or 4 pages by sheet! Also, I´m recycling the plastic bags, using a lot of times, or making craftwork (you can make purses, or bags, and a lot of things that looks cool). When I travel in the city, I always prefer the subway and the public transport, and I decide no have car, because this city is fully of these. Finally, when I travel short distances I use my ride or a good sneakers for walking. And I use the same plastic bottle to drink water o juice.   

Today I´m not supporting any eco-organisation, because I don´t have money. But when I finish the University, I promise support one, I know the important work that they do and I appreciate it.

I think this is an important topic for the humanity, because if we want that our grandsons and granddaughters enjoy the beauty of the planet, we have to make things today.


Euthanasia: Say good bye, is Grow.

We live in the century XXI, the Science and Technology change the world, but until today we continue discuss topics, like Euthanasia or Abortion.
First of all, I am in favour of the Euthanasia. When I heard the word euthanasia, the first thing that comes to my mind is “Dignity”. Personally, I believe that no one can decide for you. No Doctors, no State, No legislation, No religion can decide for you. 

The Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution and other laws establish the right to live but not the right to die with dignity. This is a complex and controversial topic, because involve feelings, ethics, legislation, religion, Hippocratic Tradition and other for analyses and understand the euthanasia. But, nothings compare to stay in the complex situation of decide to let it go to a friend, a brother, or a son.

I understand that medicine has been to preserve life and have Hippocratic Tradition.  Nevertheless, in case of terminal illness, the medics can finish the physical pain with medication to alleviate the pain, but they can´t finish with the emotional pain that involves a terminal illness. 

In the mass media appear different cases about miracles of the medicine, and cases of euthanasia. Recently, In Latin America the discussion returns for the case of Gustavo Cerati, a famous Argentinian singer. Gustavo is in coma since 2010 and depends of machines for continue with live. A lot of leaders of opinion and Gustavo´s friend claim a dignity death for him. While his mother reject that option, because she believe in the recuperation of Gustavo. I think that this discussion to be continued, Gustavo can´t decide to live or die, but he can´t continue in this terrible situation.


Aid to fragile states demand efforts for better Public Management.

The article was wrote by Mark Tran in the Guardian.co.uk, Claim that the Member of Parliament (MP) in Great Britain discuss about the aid that this country give a states fails.
UK has a history like a colonialist country. Moreover, today they have departments in the government to find solutions to the situation of state fails, especially in Africa countries such as Rwanda, Congo, Ethiopia or South Sudan, and help with the development of unstable governments.
In this context, in the last report of the MP in the international development committee argue UK can´t give unconditionally aid to these countries; because fragile state don´t make the governmental activity keeping the accountability, transparency, governance and human rights. 

The international development committee understand the effort of state fails to reach the progress and specifically UK support and advocate a “new deal for the fragile states”. Nevertheless, the fragile states fight against complexities troubles and try to reach the progress, but there aren´t guaranties that justified the right and efficiency use of the budget aid. 

Finally, the Britain authorities emphasizes that the aid focus to improve the Public Management in states fails, avoid the conflicts and reach a real welfare for the people of this countries.   

Link:  http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/2012/jan/05/mps-britain-aid-press-transparency-governance


The Music like the Water: A Need

The music is a very important part in the life for the entire human race. For me it´s like the water, because it floods the different moments in our life and could be essential for the survival of the human feelings.
In my case, I like several kind of music, and I don´t have one favorite singer, I love all my favorites singers and bands. My favorites Chilean Musicians are Violeta Parra, Victor Jara, and the band Los Prisioneros, they have song that take my soul and make me cry for the beauty of lyrics. Also I love the Latin-American music, the Brazilian Music; nevertheless I hate the reggaeton, especially for the denigration of the woman. And I love the Britpop too, especially Morrissey.  Simply, I love the singers and band that know express the feelings and the reality of the humanity.

The heaven and the trees don´t give money, for this I don´t go to concerts (jojo, no). Really, I don´t like the places with a lot of people to smells, I prefer places more close for enjoy the music. I love discover new music in the internet, and Youtube is the best tool for that task. One of my last discovery is Habib Koite & Bamada, I don´t understand the language, but their music make me dance!

  Personally, I think that some kind of music could be like the soundtrack of the life. When you are sad or very optimistic about the life, always there is a song in your head. According with you state of mind, the music could be a help to channel the feelings, the ideas about troubles or situations in your life, your community, your country, the infinity and beyond!